Tuesday, February 26, 2013

OSCARS 2013...Lighten up, Hollywood, it's not like you're curing cancer

The Oscars were Sunday night, and thru the haze of the wine-drunk I was experiencing, some thoughts came to me that I thought would be good to share...

- Jennifer Lawrence is probably my favorite actress of all time now.  Not only did she start the night off by looking into the E! Mani-cam (yes, that's a real thing) and saying "Your ass is mine, Stone!" to Emma Stone, but she tripped on the way up to get her Oscar for best actress and then made a joke about it.  And then after the awards, this happened...
Not only is this girl talented, but she's funny & beautiful too.  Winter's Bone was an amazing piece of work for someone so young, and Silver Linings Playbook was one of my favorite movies of the year.

-Speaking of Silver Linings Playbook, it's a travesty that Robert De Niro and Bradley Cooper didn't win their respective Oscars, with the awards going to former winners Daniel Day-Lewis & Christoph Waltz.  While I think that both Day-Lewis & Waltz are great actors, I didn't think their roles as Abraham Lincoln & Dr. King Shultz were better than De Niro & Cooper.

-I thought Seth MacFarlane did an okay job as Oscar host, and I thought his opening song "We Saw Your Boobs" was hilarious.

Different news outlets are saying that he's sexist and disrespectful of these great actors, but my argument is this...have you ever seen Family Guy?  You knew what you were getting, just like the 2 years that they hired Ricky Gervais to host the Golden Globes.  Hollywood takes itself way too seriously...if you're getting millions of dollars for your job, and it's not teaching children or saving lives, you can afford to have a little fun poked at you once in awhile.

-I was happy that Argo won, because I thought it was a great film.  The only other one that I thought should win was Silver Lining Playbook (though, to be honest, I haven't seen Les Miserables, Amour, or Beasts of the Southern Wild yet)  And I think it's bullshit that Ben Affleck didn't get nominated for Best Director.  And that Ang Lee won AGAIN.  Life of Pi was a beautiful, sad movie, but shouldn't the Best Director of the year be for directing actors, not one guy and a CGI tiger?

In my opinion, Affleck is turning into one of the great directors.  I thought it was a fluke that he and Matt Damon won for Good Will Hunting, but with the track record those two have of making great movies now that they're a bit older and wiser, I don't think it was.  But think about it...Affleck has basically been going to film school since he was a kid.  He's been directed by some of the best directors in the world.  And he seems to be a reasonably intelligent guy (except for that whole dating J Lo thing).  Why shouldn't he be a great director?

-the 50th Anniversary of James Bond tribute was awful.  That's all I'm going to say about that.
That's about all I can remember of the Oscars.  I might watch the show again on DVR later in the week and update this blog post, but all in all, it was a pretty good Oscar show...much better than the past couple of years.  And for the first time, I saw MOST of the Best Picture nominees...which is a good idea for a movie blogger.

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