Wednesday, October 07, 2009

REVIEW: The Invention of Lying

A friend of mine wanted to go to a movie last night, and before I could throw out It Might Get Loud, she suggested we see The Invention of Lying. I really wanted to see this, especially after seeing Ricky Gervais on the Emmys. I heard that this movie wasn't just "laugh out loud" funny, but also had a pretty important message.

I'm a fan of Gervais' humor, being a big Office fan, though I find his humor a little hard to watch sometimes. I think I got through two episodes of Extras before I had to turn it off because I was so uncomfortable.

I went in expecting a comedy, but what I didn't expect was the message behind the comedy. This film has some serious issues that it deals with, including religion and self-worth. Mark Bellison, Gervais' character, is heart-breaking to watch sometimes, and I'll admit it...I got teary-eyed at parts.

It's a cute movie, with a good message, and I would suggest it to people who are looking to go see a good date movie. As for a comedy, it's smart enough for a Gervais comedy, but it doesn't have as much of uncomfortable humor. And the part that I loved was all the famous actors making cameos. I don't want to spoil it, but there are a couple of Academy award nominees and winners in this movie.

Monday, October 05, 2009

I know, I know...I haven't blogged in awhile. I blame work.

I'm hoping to go see the documentary It Might Get Loud this week. A review will follow.

Other than that, not really anything out there right now that's lifting my skirts. Just waiting for the holiday movie season to be upon us.